FreeRTOS Tutorial-2
In this tutorial, you get familiar with Papyrus-RT and start modeling using UML-RT language. Papyrus-RT is built on top of Papyrus and provides modeling facilities based on UML-RT and supports code generation in C++ from the UML-RT models. Also, it provides a run-time service library. Papyrus is an open source modeling tooling framework for UML which provides advanced facilities for making customized modeling tools. It has been customized for different UML profiles and purposes (e.g., SysML, MARTE, and information modeling) and has recently attracted considerable attention in the modeling communities.
Run the Papyrus-RT VM
We already have installed Papyrus-RT and its requirement in a virtual machine using Oracle VirtualBox. Copy the VM’s image from ....
to your local disk and then start using it. We set up the credential, “papyrusrt” as the username and “papyrusrt” as the password, for the VM and the PapyrusRT can be run from home/....
Exploration of Papyrus-RT
Follow the instruction in Getting Started with Papyrus for Real-Time v1.0 and implement Pinger-Ponger project as explained in the instruction.
Submit your solution as part of the Lab4.